Here's a look at the past events hosted by DSC BVCOE. We've had workshops, hackathons, and competitions. Stay tuned for more exciting events!
Design Sprint - UXthon
Design Sprint - UXthon
The logo design competition challenged participants to create impactful logos in 1 hour, reflecting themes like smart nutrition tracking and AI-driven travel planning. Designs showcased creativity, innovation, and attention to detail.
RRR – Reconceive, Rethink, Revise
RRR – Reconceive, Rethink, Revise
A front-end development competition celebrating innovation and creativity.41 teams competed across two rounds, with the top 20 teams presenting their projects at the Library for a prize pool of ₹3,000.
Game of Code 2.0
Game of Code 2.0
Part of BVEST, DSC BVCOE and TechShuttle Society brought this two-stage coding challenge that tested technical expertise and problem-solving abilities of participants across multiple institutions.